The confessions of a Panama politician … dissected


The interview that deputy Tito Rodríguez gave to the journalist Flor Mizrachi is a jewel, a diamond … in the rough. If the Molirena politician  is to be thanked for something, it is that nothing was saved: it was explicit; he described with great precision the crime that governs us. Someone commented to me: one of two, either he’s a blatant cynic or he’s the clumsiest politician on earth, I will not choose one of the two options, when it is clear that it is all that and more

Rodríguez admitted that Molirena is governed by a mafia to which he wants to belong, but that they do not give him a chance. Reaching the presidency of that party means rubbing shoulders with the spheres of power and thereby obtaining support of all kinds, from scholarships and appointments to public works projects worth tens of millions of dollars. That is, money from the State distributed among its electors to repeat one more period in the cave. And so on, over and over again, until it reaches the satiety of its customers and voters.

He said that the Lottery is practically owned by his party. And it must be recognized that the Molirena leadership has known how to milk it. In effect, it should be called the Charity Lottery for the Molirena, since they have taken money out of it in a thousand ways: appointments, awards, power, votes, travel, favors, clients, scholarships. In short, they have made the LNB their bench and burrow. All this under the nose of a President of the Republic who does not seem surprised, but even pleased with the looting.

Rodríguez revealed that he has his wife named in the Lottery, but that is not enough for him. He wanted to have -without success- banknote books. Is it possible to have a more miserable soul than his? Was he going to sell chances at the doors of the Assembly? We just need to find out that the Prado of the vice presidency uses it from Uber.

He admitted that they spend tens of thousands of dollars on mouthfuls -for virtual sessions-; who urgently bought curtains in the middle of the pandemic; that they have a physiotherapy clinic for them; that they buy luxury cars and that they have not contained the expenses because they cannot do it (¿?); that he signed a law that is a copy/paste of Colombian legislation; that he lied in his affidavit of patrimonial assets because he has two construction companies, but that his name does not appear in them.

We must not forget that Rodríguez is in the Legislative Assembly thanks to our votes, and that he does what he does because he does not care about the memes or the jokes we make about his scoundrels; because nobody will go to the streets to protest; because there is no one to investigate it; because the Molirena is part of the power. And because he knows that our society is sick with corruption. Tito Rodríguez is a worthy representative of that growing mass that applauds the game alive and is pleased with such maddening confessions. And it is that after having managed the Super 99, Rodríguez learned the tricks to be the “successful” politician that he is today in the Assembly. – by Rolando Rodriguez, La Prensa.