Lab company in center of vaccination storm fires manager

The board of directors of the Vidatec and Cordón de Vida laboratories trying to distance themselves from the illegal vaccination scandal has fired its general manager.

President Cortizo, questioned the authenticity of the vaccine applied at Coco del Mar Suites, by Vidatec and Cordón de Vida staff for $200 per person. Supposedly they apply the dose of Pfizer, whose sale is prohibited and is only acquired and supplied (free) by the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

“I do not know if those doses are real, but  we are going to know,” warned the president during the act of delivery of the order to proceed with the construction of highways.

The president asked the population to be vaccinated only in places approved by the health authorities.

The Vidatec and Cordón de Vida board of directors ordered the separation of its manager Denisse Vega de Murzi on Tuesday, the same day that La Prensa published that personnel from these laboratories are applying anticovid vaccines (presumably from Pfizer) in a location in the Coco del Mar Suites, owned by Vega de Murzi.

“This surprised us and internally we proceeded to suspend it, in addition to being available to collaborate with whatever is necessary with the Public Ministry,” Alberto Alemán Zubieta, president and director of Laboratorios Vidatec, SA told La Prensa.

Vega is the manager of both laboratories, where about 150 people work. In addition, she is on the Vidatec board of directors, as secretary. Her mother and husband are also on the board of directors, according to information from the Public Registry.

Alemán Zubieta said that inside the company they are investigating who were those who were vaccinated, but clarified that the premises in Coco del Mar Suites are not owned by the laboratories. The directors of the companies proceeded to appoint a new manager after the separation of Vega.

As La Prensa was able to verify, personnel from the Vidatec and Cordón de Vida companies were present at the vaccination site in Coco del Mar, as was Vega, who appears in the directives of both companies and who confirmed that the building where the clandestine vaccination was taking vaccination is her property.

The board of directors also issued a statement, which says that “they do not form or have authorized any of our companies to carry out vaccination activities against Covid-19 .”

According to this statement, the board of directors had no knowledge of the operation of this anticovid vaccination center, where alleged doses of Pfizer were applied to 17 people, on Monday, June 7.