Pandemic  leaves  cracked justice system naked

Worsened by the confinement situation due to the pandemic,  Panama’s cracked justice system has been left “naked”, an “endemic evil and in need of immediate modernization.”

The  stark assessment came from by Panama’s e Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap) on Sunday, September 20.

The organization gives as an example the fact that in the Supreme Court of Justice a “countless number of appeals” have been presented with regard to civil rights and the state of emergency, due to Covid-19, on which there have been no any pronouncement.

“The main institution of the Judicial Branch is called to promptly define coexistence in society under the principles of legality. Justice at the wrong time is not justice ”, said the Cciap.

With the country moving to resume its daily activities, the business union reiterated the “prevailing” call to maintain, without loopholes, legal security as a requirement to attract investments to the country, necessary to reactivate the economy at this time.

“There are unprecedented moments where transparency is prevalent, so there are expectations of forceful changes in the direction of Panamanian justice,” said the business group