Police find $2 million buried payola, arms cache

The $2.8 million found last weekend buried in a tank in Felipillo was the payment to local criminal groups for the mobilization of drug shipments from Colombia,

An intelligence operation carried out between the National Police and the Drug Prosecutor’s Office. is, a blow to the financial structure of local networks that move drugs for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels.

In the operation, the authorities also located communication radios, equipment to interfere with communications, 2 assault rifles, 35 AK-47 rifle magazines and 2 pistols.

The money was hidden in a small vacant lot that was guarded by a person, who fled.

During a press conference, the Director of th Police, Jorge Miranda, said that it is one of the most important seizures of money made by the authorities.

Miranda said that together with the Public Ministry, investigations are being carried out to find the whereabouts of the members of the criminal network.

The National Aeronaval Service (Senan) seized last Sunday a shipment of 1,646 kilos of cocaine in the vicinity of Jicarón Island, in Veraguas.