Panama exits 2020 with over 4,000 deaths


Panama closed the doors on 2020   with more than 4,000 deaths and 245,000 accumulated cases of covid-19, since the first case was reported, on March 9.

Panama even led  American, statistics such as infection and mortality rates, but was also one of those who did the most tests.

Epidemiologist Arturo Rebollón,  said:“Our numbers reflect the weaknesses of our health system. Primary care and prevention must be strengthened..

The director of the Social Security  Enrique Lau Cortés, indicated that the health crisis revealed two issues: the low investment in science and the weakness of the care model, focused on the disease and not on prevention.

Panama closed with just over 4 000 deaths as a result of the coronavirus, which places it in second place among the Central American countries with the highest number of deaths, after Guatemala, which has 4,803. In third position is Honduras, with 3,111, followed by Costa Rica, with 2,156 deaths.