Vacationing doctor in midst of pandemic explains “family business”

The medical director of the Hospital Complex of the Social Security Fund (CSS) , José Crosto , justified the trip he made at the end of 2020 to Hawaii, while other hospital staff were prohibited from taking vacations arguing that he had a family matter to attend to. He maintained that his trip had been notified to the director of the entity, Enrique Lau Cortés, and added that an internal investigation is being carried out with which he is willing to cooperate.

Croston told TVN Noticias that the reason for his trip was to attend a process of buying a property that his daughter is making in Hawaii and that he had to go because he is the guarantor and he had  only until December 31 to comply with the requirements. ” How not to take care of a daughter if I do not know tomorrow or the day after when I will see her again … “, he said.

He said that he is an administrative doctor and does not feel affected by the provision, not to take vacations, and he had followed it for a year. Next week he will give his discharges within the internal investigation that takes place after his trip. The Administration Attorney’s Office is also conducting a parallel investigation.