Green alert for area hit by earlier hurricanes   


 An area hard hit by hurricanes Eta ad  Iota in November when 19 people died is under a green preventive alert. The number of people evacuated due to bad weather in the provinces of Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro, and the Ngäbe Buglé region reached over 1,400 on Friday reports the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc).

A cold front over this region of the country generated constant rains since the early hours of Thursday, which in turn caused the rise of several rivers, landslides, and floods.

On Thursday, Sinaproc decreed a green alert until Saturday, April 17, and the Emergency Operations Center was activated in the process, given the forecast that the rains will continue in the next few hours.

“The rapid action of the Joint Task Force, the preventive recommendations and the voluntary evacuation of some families from Tierras Altas and Bocas del Toro contributed to avoiding unfortunate situations,” said Rumbo

Between Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, and the region, 575 affected homes have been registered.

Local authorities reported that some roads were blocked by landslides. In addition, the damage has been recorded in agricultural plantations.

Information in development …