Front line Panama nurses on strike

The National Association of Nurses (Anep)  began a 24-hour work stoppage from 7:00 am Wednesday, April 28 after holding a virtual extraordinary general assembly.

The president of the Anep, Ana Reyes de Serrano, called on her members to support the decision. “We hope that each one of the nurses will support this measure, which is to achieve the demands that we have requested for compliance with all agreements and also by our colleagues who are on a temporary contract,” she said She clarified that the sensitive areas of patient care and the vaccination days against Covid-19 will not be affected by the suspension of work.

She assured that this decision is not improvised, since they gave the government a vote of confidence last December, and everything remained on a promise.

This week, nurses held protests in various centers around the country at noon to demand answers to their demands. Among the requests are: permanence of the personnel who are under contract, payment of back wages and supplies to face the health situation due to the pandemic.