Independent deputy slams impunity pact

The Independent deputy Juan Diego Vásquez gave a withering report on the weaknesses and recurring malpractices in the three branches of the State during the Radar program broadcast on TVN.

He questioned the Executive headed by the President of the Republic Laurentino Nito Cortizo, for belatedly presenting bills that he promised to promote to remove the country from the gray lists.

“The president knows that in two months, at the beginning of July, he will have to present himself to the Assembly and to the country, (…) and he will say ‘I complied with presenting the projects as I said in January’, without any interest real that they are discussed or very sure that they are approved, “said the deputy.

He called the “pact of impunity” the method of cross-trial that exists between deputies of the Assembly and magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice. This is due to the usual strategy of the Credentials Commission, chaired by the PRD deputy Roberto Ábrego, of not admitting complaints against magistrates of the Court.

In turn, the Court is reciprocal. Recently,  it declared “not guilty” the PRD deputy Arquesio Arias, of sexual crimes.

He spoke of the dispute for the presidency of the Assembly, a body that must choose a new board of directors on July 1. Here he affirmed that the Executive “fears” “what a deputy with a little more experience”, whose name he did not disclose, could “dare to do.”

Among the most veteran and powerful deputies in the Justo Arosemena palace are: Benicio Robinson, president of the Democratic Revolutionary Party ; and Crispiano Adames.

He added that the President of the Republic “is not managing the ship” and that whoever is at the helm “wants to steer it for his convenience.” “He is managing it according to the interests of his pocket or his political interests.”

When asked who that person is, he did not hesitate to answer. “I think it is clear that they are the petty interests of the Vice President [José Gabriel Carrizo] and his closest political group (…),” he said.