WHO warns against abandoning mask in high transmission areas

AFP – A day after the US said farewell to the mask the WHO said on Friday, that those vaccinated against covid-19 should keep the mask in regions where transmission of the virus is high

The United States, where the number of covid-19 cases fell sharply, announced on Thursday the lifting of the recommendation to wear a mask for vaccinated people. However, the health authorities recommend that vaccinated people continue to wear the mask in transport (airplanes, buses, trains …), as well as in airports or stations.

When asked about this change, the WHO experts did not comment directly but stressed that it all depends on the epidemiological context of each country. They recalled that vaccines do not offer 100% protection. “Even in situations where vaccination coverage is high, if there is a lot of transmission, the mask is not removed,” said Michael Ryan, director in charge of urgent health affairs at WHO, at a press conference.

WHO Scientific Director Soumya Swaminathan said data from countries expanding vaccinations show that vaccines “protect against infection at a rate of 70 to 80%.” For the expert, “very few countries are in a position to abandon the measures.” In most countries “we must continue to apply them.” One can be infected, have mild or asymptomatic disease even after getting vaccinated, she added. The United States carries out a vast vaccination campaign