Gorgas Institute to test illegal vaccine recipients

The Gorgas Memorial Institute could carry out scientific tests on the people who participated in the clandestine vaccination at the request of the Public Ministry, as part of the investigations.

The attorney general of the Nation in charge, Javier Caraballo asked the people who were vaccinated to undergo this test to determine scientifically if they were inoculated with a vaccine against covid or some other substance.

“This will allow us to rule out or confirm other theories of the case, this will allow us to determine if we are facing a crime of embezzlement, in case they have been vaccinated with a covid vaccine or if we are against a crime against public health if the opposite turns out, ”explained Caraballo.

On Sunday, June 13, a man was charged and ordered provisional arrest for the alleged commission of the crimes of fraud, public faith, and illegal exercise of the profession.