Supreme Court upholds jail term for ex-migration director

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court,  upheld the sentence of two years and eight months in prison against the former director of the National Migration Service, María Cristina González (2009-2011), as the author of the crime of ideological falsehood when granting permanent residence permits to citizens of Chinese origin.

A ruling of June 25, which resolves an appeal filed by Roniel Ortiz, legal defense of the former official. This confirms the judgment of the Second Court of Justice of April 11, 2018, which concluded that González “signed the resolutions to approve the permanent stay and that in it he affirmed that he had complied with the requirements of the law.”

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office sustained that incomplete documentation was detected in the procedures for the change of residences of Xiaohul and Yuehuan Zhong.  

Ortiz, reiterated that the evidence was not adequately assessed and that “a review of the ruling” could be requested.