Holy Week alert : pandemic is not over – Health Ministry


 The Ministry of Health (Minsa) has reiterated its call to the population to continue with the biosecurity measures to avoid the spread of Covid-19 while warning that the pandemic has not finished.

With the relaxation of some biosecurity measures, processions and other acts have been scheduled in various religious communities in the country, which involve crowds of people.

In addition, the movement of thousands of people to the interior is anticipated.

“We are doing things right and the most important thing is that people are complying with the indications, but we must bear in mind the resurgence of the strains and we have to be careful with that to avoid what has happened to us with the variants and we must not lower the guard”, said Melva Cruz, general director of Health of the Minsa. She stressed that the use of masks is mandatory in closed places and in open spaces where distancing cannot be met.

“During Holy Week activities, where processions have been allowed, it is important to continue with biosecurity measures,” Cruz said.

She added that care must be taken that the participants in the activities have the mask well placed and it is advised to continue using alcohol gel.

Beach activities

The authorities recommend that when attending beaches and rivers, it is done within the so-called family bubble.

Also remember to wear the mask in waiting lines, on commercial premises, and in places where it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter from other people.

Dance activities are allowed but require a QR code or vaccination card for a capacity of 100%.

Also for a capacity of 50% with due distance and with due notification to the respective Health Region.