Electoral Tribunal rejects Martinelli’s party (RM)  appeal


The plenary of the magistrates of the Electoral Court (TE) rejected an appeal filed by the Realizing Goals (RM) party, which requested to modify its calendar of the internal election of the board of directors of the executive

secretariats of Youth and Women, which were scheduled for April 24.

The sentence of the plenary session indicated that thereasons on which the party based its requests “can be

corrected in the development of the electoral calendar since there is enough time to execute the tasks that have not yet been completed.”

The group requested the extension, according to the TE, arguing that it has not been able to comply with the

electoral calendar due to difficulties in appointing electoral corporations, due to a delay in appointing payroll

table observers, “that they do not have a post-electoral subsidy and that organizing elections with the new

provisions is very difficult.”