“Partygate” scandal returns  to threaten Boris Johnson’s leadership



The scandal of the multiple illegal parties held in Downing Street during the confinements fell again on British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson,  on Tuesday, April 12, upon learning that he and his relatives will be fined for the infractions.

The controversial Conservative leader, 57, saw his position in danger for weeks due to the so-called “partygate”, which led a group of deputies from his Conservative Party to contemplate a motion of internal censure.

However, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the focus of attention had shifted, easing political pressure on Johnson.

But on Tuesday the London police announced that they had sent out more than 50 ticket notices as part of their investigation. And shortly after it was learned that Johnson, who had defended before the House of Commons that no rule was broken, will be among those sanctioned.

So will his wife Carrie and Finance Minister Rishi Sunak, until recently considered a favorite to succeed him but now mired in his own scandal due to the advantageous tax status of his Indian billionaire wife.

The leader of the opposition, Labour Party Keir Starmer, immediately called for the resignation of the number one and number two of the executive: “Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak broke the law and repeatedly lied to British citizens. Both must resign. The Conservatives are totally incapable of governing,” he tweeted.

Scotland Yard has been investigating allegations for months that Johnson and members of his team organized and attended a dozen parties during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns against covid-19 when the executive prevented Britons from seeing their loved ones with some  saying  couldn’t even say goodbye when they died.