Attorney-General confirms return of prosecutors after  dismissal of complaint


The acting Attorney General Javier Caraballo confirmed Tuesday, that the return of prosecutors Ruth Mocillo, Zuleyka Moore, Adecio Mojica, Tania Sterling, and Nahaniel Murgas, to their work as investigative officers occurred after his office decreed a dismissal provisional version of the complaint filed by the former Minister of Education Lucy Molinar.

Caraballo, when questioned by various media, reported that a provisional filing of the investigation was made, after not finding evidence that would prove criminal conduct.

He explained that the case had the testimony of the protected witness Euro 14, who in a hearing revealed alleged pressure to testify against high-ranking officials of the Ricardo Martinelli administration, but the witness pointed out that no prosecutor intimidated him or forced him to declare in a certain way.

Caraballo said that Morcillo returned to the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office; Moore (who was in a prosecutor’s office in San Miguelito) was sent to the sexual crimes section; Mojica went to the San Miguelito homicide prosecutor’s office; meanwhile, Sterling is disabled due to ill health. While Murgas was designated in the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, a section of crimes against property.

The official explained that these relocations of prosecutors are due to the new management system implemented in the Public Ministry to optimize human resources and speed up investigations.

The complaint filed by Molinar against the prosecutors –for the alleged commission of the crimes of simulation of a punishable act, slander in legal proceedings, among others– was based on a statement made by Abraham Williams, also known as the protected witness Euro 14, who collaborated with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutors in the cases of alleged corruption detected in the extinct National Aid Program (PAN) and that would have been perpetrated during the five-year period 2009-2014.