Prosecutor requests dismissal of Zulay complaint against journalist

For the second time in six weeks, the Public Ministry requests a provisional dismissal in favor of the communicator Mauricio Valenzuela, considering that there are no elements to accuse him of the crime of psychological personal injury, claimed by deputy Zulay Rodríguez,

On March 17, the prosecutor Lorena Quirós Puga, from the section of Crimes against Life and Personal Integrity of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, requested dismissal for Valenzuela, considering that there is no merit to proceed with the complaint against him. The deputy presented it in January 2020. That decision was appealed by Rodríguez and, on April 29, the prosecutor Adyánis Valdés validated what Quirós Puga had done, in all its parts.

For the dismissal to be final, it must be ratified by a judge of guarantees.

In the folder whose analysis concerns us, there are no elements of conviction that prove the existence of threats, intimidation, blackmail, persecution or harassment against a woman or forces her to do or stop doing, tolerate exploitation, threats, demands of obedience, submission, humiliation or humiliation, among other behaviors, ” says prosecutor Valdés.

“Although it is an accredited fact that publications were made in relation to the role of the complainant as a public figure, not in her gender condition, so we do not observe intent in the actions of the defendant, for the alleged commission of a crime against life and personal integrity, in the form of psychological personal injuries, “added prosecutor Valdés.

Zulay Rodríguez had sued Valenzuela, after he reported on the deputy’s dispute over some gold bars from a former client, the Mexican goldsmith José Luis Penagos , through the Foco and Claramente digital sites . Rodríguez had also sued Penagos, but he has since passed away.

Recently, the son and widow of Penagos denounced the deputy.