Bargains at seized property and vehicle auctions


Cars and apartments will be part of the assets at 12 public auctions that the Directorate for the Administration of Seized Assets (DABA) has scheduled during the month of June.

The properties to be auctioned are located in sectors of Panama City, such as San Francisco, El Cangrejo, Marbella and La Chorrera in the province of Panamá Oeste, with very competitive prices.

To participate,  you must present peace and safe from the General Directorate of Revenue

(DGI) and the Social Security Fund (CSS), fill out the proponent registration form and provide a deposit equivalent to 10% of the value of the item that is auctioned.

Those interested can obtain more information by sending an email to or by calling the hotline 504-3568. All information regarding public auctions is also found on the platform

Among the assets to be auctioned are vehicles in good condition at prices ranging from $3,000 as well as real estate at very good prices, which are sold to allocate funds to strengthen security budgets.