Intoxicated Giuliani”  advised Trump to claim victory


Vice-chair Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, came out firing during the second day of hearings involving the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

In her opening statement, Cheney made an unflattering reference to Rudy Giuliani, an advisor for former President Donald Trump. Giuliani reportedly advised Trump that he won the 2020 presidential election when in fact he’d lost to current President Joe Biden.

“Trump rejected the advice of his campaign experts on election night, and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani, to just claim that he won,” Cheney said.

The comments drew an immediate reaction online.

The statement is in reference to an upcoming book “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year.” The book claims Giuliani may have been drinking too much when he advised Trump to claim victory on election night.

Giuliani has denied he has a drinking problem.

He also said the Jan. 6 hearings are an effort to frame Trump, calling them “a theatrical production” and an “embarrassment of a hearing.”