Teachers will meet Monday to endorse dialogue agreement


Leaders of the different teachers’ unions who have been on strike for almost a month called their bases to meet on Monday, August 1 order to explain the agreements reached in Penonomé, Coclé.

 At the table for the first block of the agenda of eight topics were members of the Executive, unions, teachers, and indigenous groups. Compliance with the law of 6% of the gross domestic product for education was agreed and the talks concluded with 21 consensuses, and there were no disagreements.


On Monday it is expected then to present these agreements to the teachers and for the bases to decide if they support what has been achieved said Luis Sánchez, general secretary of the Veragüenses Association of Educators (Aeve).

Sánchez commented that the bases are “flexible” and that, in his opinion, they are not going to oppose what has been established at the dialogue table.

Once this endorsement is obtained from the bases the unions will be able to meet with the authorities of the Ministry of Education (Meduca) to see the strike settlement document.

The document must establish that no measures will be taken against educators, directors, supervisors, and other educational personnel who participated in the work stoppage. It must also include the methodology for the recovery of academic content. Meduca has not ruled out an extension of the school year.