Clandestine vaccination plea deal nets 4 years


The defense of Denise Vega and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor reached an effective collaboration agreement in the case of clandestine vaccination in Coco del Mar. This agreement establishes 48 months in prison and disqualification from public functions reports TVN.

However, the agreement will not be effective until Vega testifies in a trial against Matías Pérez Escudero, who was the person who applied the drug, and Celine de Esses, who allegedly took Vega to the site.

The clandestine vaccination against COVID-19 took place in June 2021, when the first doses of vaccines were applied to priority groups.

Prosecutor Itzel Koo said that she is on the trail of a fourth person who was the one who collected and raised the list of those who participated in the day.

Vega is the landlord of the office where the vaccination day took place. 

Koo said that it was possible to establish that what was placed on the people who attended these clandestine days did not correspond to vaccines and the vaccination cards were false.

The former magistrate of the Court, Jerónimo Mejía, Denise Vega’s lawyer, did not speak to the national press about the results of the hearing.

Matías Pérez Escudero is detained in the case and charged with the crimes of fraud and illegal exercise of the profession.

The scandal came to light after a journalistic investigation that uncovered one of the clandestine vaccination days in places in the San Francisco corregimiento .