Infractions swell as traffic returns to normal


 With   three months to go to year’s end statistics from the Traffic Operations Directorate (DNOT) of the National Police,  reveal that  to date 418,541 tickets have been handed out – 8,750 more than for the whole of last year.

The most infractions are for speeding (127,353), disregarding signals (57,904), and driving with inadequate lights (22, 955). While for proven drunkenness 10 thousand 605 tickets have been applied and, for alcoholic breath, there are 3,208, according to official figures.

“Statistically, the years 2020 and 2021 were irregular due to the pandemic… this year’s figures, due to the activities and festivities in the provinces, have influenced the increase,” said the DNOT.

In 2022 the infraction for contempt was reactivated, which is why “some 2,3 34 drivers have already been caught in contempt for late payment of infractions.”

Traffic accidents
Until the month of September, the DNOT has attended 23, 305 traffic accidents, where 70 people have died.

The DNOT called on drivers to respect speed limits, especially when they are on the Pan-American highway, in addition to avoiding being behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

Citizens were reminded of the importance of pedestrian crossings and avoiding crossing avenues in areas with poor lighting.