Over 7,000 in two days sign to remove Panama mayor


During the two days of the signature collection process for the revocation of the mandate of the mayor of  Panama, José Luis Fábrega Panama, more than 7,000 people have signed the initiative.

The goal is to collect 198,920 signatures in 120 days. For this purpose, the Electoral Court (TE) enabled 40 kiosks where citizens residing in the capital district and who appear in the Electoral Register, may sign.

Those interested can go to the central office of the TE in Ancón; to El Cohete square on Vía Ricardo J. Alfaro; to the Plaza las Américas in Tocumen, and to the TE facilities in front of the Francisco Beckman School, in northern Panama.

In addition, the User Service Center (CAU) has been enabled, through the platform tribunalcontigo.com, for the registration of signatures through video calls.