Ifrahu grants could be converted into loans


The National Council of the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu) met on Monday, October 24, after which a permanent session was declared.

The council will seek to establish recommendations, execute them and follow up on the management procedures carried out by the institution, which is under the direction of Bernardo Meneses and has been widely questioned in the last week, due to the “economic aid ” granted to deputies and their relatives.

In its Twitter account, the Ifarhu reported that the possibility of converting “economic aid” into, loans, was already raised at the meeting and the creation of a subcommittee was requested, with the participation of the Comptroller General and the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information.

This subcommittee arose from the National Council itself, which is made up of representatives of the National Assembly, the National Secretariat for Science, Technology, and Innovation (Senacyt), the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the Ifarhu, which acts as secretary of the National Council.

Last Monday, October 24, the lawyers Ernesto Cedeño and Abdiel González Tejeira presented three legal actions that seek to clarify how the Ifarhu grants economic benefits.

Feeding at the trough
Recently, it has been revealed that some of the beneficiaries of the financial aid were the daughter of deputy Zulay Rodríguez ($61,000); the daughter of the secretary general of the National Assembly, Quibián Panay ($81,000), and the ex-partner of independent deputy Juan Diego Vásquez ($99,000); Diego Ábrego Díaz, son of deputy Roberto Ábrego, who received $190,000; among others.