Homicide investigators take over search for missing 9-year-old


The Homicide and Femicide Section of the San Miguelito Prosecutor’s Office has taken over the investigation into the disappearance of nine-year-old girl Aderlyn Mailenis Llerena Saldaña, d on September 13, in Las Trancas, district of Arnulfo Arias.

The announcement came on  Saturday, November 12 from the Public Ministry, which said that the Homicide and Femicide Section is the unit specialized in investigating cases of missing persons.

In a statement, it was detailed that the Primary Care Section of the San Miguelito Regional Prosecutor’s Office carried out the first investigative work related to the case.

The investigation has three volumes that contain approximately 55 interviews between relatives, members of the community and other people; scientific evidence and different types of expert opinions; as well as multiple visual inspections carried out in the surroundings of the minor’s residence and other points.

The Superior Prosecutor for Homicide and Femicide of San Miguelito, Adecio Mojica, announced that all investigative actions will be reinforced and Mojica made a call to the community that, if they have information, they can do so through the telephone numbers 507-3312, 507-3349 and 507-3350 of the Homicide and Femicide Section.

A $10,000 reward is offered to anyone who offers truthful information about the whereabouts of the minor.


The event occurred on September 13. According to the version that relatives gave to the authorities, it was a normal day, and at 11:00 a.m., Aderlyn put her books in her bag to go to school and started on her way. To get to the campus, she had to walk along a path surrounded by trees, cross a pedestrian bridge located over the North Corridor, and walk for several minutes.

Aderlyn didn’t usually make that trek alone. In general, several boys and girls from the Emberá Purú community accompanied her on the journey.