Guarantee judge ordered  to set charges  in operation “equine”


The Superior Court of Appeals of the Second Judicial District annulled the decision of a guarantee court issued on May 6 that sought to refer the case related to the operation “Equine” to the First Judicial District of Panama.

Given the rejection of the request, the Coclé guarantee judge, Ariacni Mora, was ordered to hold on Tuesday, May 9, a hearing to formulate charges and apply precautionary measures to the 28 people apprehended during the operation.

During the hearing, prosecutor Joseph Díaz, representing the Public Ministry, presented the arguments that were evaluated by the Court of Appeals based on article 150 of the Criminal Procedure Code, with which the Judge of Guarantees was ordered to pronounce on the requests that had already been made within the term (imputation of charges, investigation period and precautionary measure), however, it was refused.