The Waked family and businesses remain on the Clinton List


Abdul and Nidal Waked, as well as their businesses, companies and some relatives, continue on the Clinton List of activities related to drug trafficking and money laundering, prepared by the US Department of the Treasury says the US Embassy in Panama.

The clarification from the embassy comes after an interview by former US diplomat John Feeley on the program De Frente con Sabrina Bacal, on TVN, in which he indicated that he does not know why the Wakedv are still on the sanction list prepared by the Office of Security Control. Foreign Assets (OFAC) from the Treasury Department.

“The opinions expressed by former ambassador John Feeley in a recent television interview reflect his personal point of view as a private citizen and do not represent the official position of the United States government,” the embassy said in a statement released on Tuesday, May 16, two days after the interview with Bacal.

Feeley was ambassador to Panama when, on May 5, 2016, the United States announced the inclusion on the Clinton List of what it then called “The Waked Money Laundering Organization” (Waked MLO), whose leaders were Abdul Waked and his nephew Nidal, who ethe day before had been captured in Colombia, from where he was extradited to the United States, where he pleaded guilty to bank fraud. Feeley said in the interview that, once arrested, the US government did not have enough evidence to prove Nidal Waked’s link to drug trafficking activities.

“These designations are designed to protect the financial system of the United States from money originating from organized crime or terrorism. The dollarized Panamanian economy benefits from OFAC’s efforts to keep the financial system clean of money from illicit sources,” the embassy remarked in its statement on Tuesday.

“Mr. Waked and these companies continue to be designated by OFAC and their situation has not changed” it added.

Over time, some companies linked to the so-called Waked MLO were delisted. That was what happened with some personal lawyers for the Waked, the Soho Mall, the Felix chain of stores, and some companies that were inactive.

The embassy maintains that anyone who wants to inquire about OFAC-designated individuals and companies can do so at