Doctor clarifies  that he did not sign Martinelli medical disabiity


Dr. Julio Sandoval clarified on Tuesday, May 30, that he did not sign the medical disability of former President Ricardo Martinelli, who is one of those facing trial in the “New Business” case.

Martinelli was supposed to attend the hearing in the case on May 23 but presented a disability because he underwent surgery for a problem in the lumbar spine on May 17.

Sandoval, through his Twitter account, published Martinelli’s disability which was signed by neurosurgeon Ricardo Bermúdez.

Bermúndez considered that Martinelli should have a 60-day disability “to carry out his usual tasks.” That disability is from May 17 to July 15 of this year.

“My medical group did a strictly professional job, I have always had a vertical conduct in my professional life. I appreciate the shows of support from my teachers, colleagues, friends, and family patients who have shown me and I will continue as always focused on my profession, ”Sandoval wrote on his Twitter account.”

Sandoval reiterated that he is the head of Intensive Care at the hospital where Martinelli was operated on.