Tuesday Follow-up to Sunday storm could be stronger

While over 100 families are still recovering from the effects of Sunday’s storm experts are predicting more of the same for Tuesday, June 6, with the same or greater intensity in the capital and in several provinces.

The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (IMHPA) pointed out that the areas with the highest probability of strong events, that is, constant electrical discharges and strong gusts of wind, are the capital area, Panama West, Coclé, Colón and western provinces.

In addition, they indicated that they were monitoring the entry of the possible new tropical wave that may enter Wednesday afternoon with the heavy rains and electrical storm that is expected. The speed of the wind that accompanies the rains will be a key factor in the entry of the tropical wave.

The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) issued a prevention notice until Wednesday, June 7 due to the strong waves that are registered in the Panamanian Pacific, reaching up to 2.4 meters.