Torrijos promises “no untouchables” if he wins the presidency

Former President, Martín Torrijos, was ratified by the Extraordinary National Congress of the Popular Party (PP) as the presidential candidate for this group, with 359 votes out of 366 delegates who participated.  “Four months and nine days ago I announced my aspiration to the Presidency. Some said that our candidacy was a Picanto, that there was no time or structure, that it was impossible to win,” he said at the beginning of his speech. He added “they ignore that mysticism and enthusiasm are more powerful than perks and clientelism. That it is not the size… it is the reason and it is the desire. It is the example that our [soccer] selection gives us. Despite those who said that it was not there was a way to reach the final of the Gold Cup. Yes, we could! We’re already in the Final”. He thanked the Popular Party “for this honor, for their confidence in my candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic” and went on talk about what he intends to do if he wins the Presidency.

“We will face the indolence of the rulers, of some deputies and of the political leaders who have made robbery a way of life and their charges, a shield of impunity.”

He added: “I am not going back to let the country continue as it is. Panama is no one’s business. Preying is over! There will be new rules for everyone where the one who does it pays! There will be no room for the untouchables who they move from government to government.”