Twitter user guilty of gender violence against attorney

A trial court on Friday August 4  found cartoonist Eduardo Narváez, better known as Edunar-54, guilty of gender violence to the detriment of former attorney general Kenia Porcell.

The trial, was held in the rooms of the Accusatory Criminal System Ancón, and the Public Ministry requested an eight-year prison sentence for Narváez, for having sullied Porcell’s honor.

In 2019, Narváez was sued by Kenia Porcell for the crime of gender violence, after the tweeter published images of a Russian model on his social networks who bore a great resemblance to the former attorney.

The trial judges Fernando Basurto, Gloria González, and Roberto Tejeira issued a guilty verdict against Narváez. The reading of the sentence will take place on August 21.

The prosecutors of the trial section of the Metropolitan Area Frederick Montero and Alía Sulaimán requested a guilty verdict.

While the victims’ defender, Egberto Saldaña, requested compensation of $12,000 for the psychological damage caused to the former attorney general Porcell.

Narváez  described the sentence imposed by the court against him as a historic ruling that “obliges all Panamanians not to publish images or make comments from any authority of the current government” reports Panama America.

Narváez considered his case as a “ violation of the freedom of expression of all Panamanians, because ‘if they shut me up today’, tomorrow they shut up any Panamanian ”.

The tweeter’s sin was having uploaded photos of the Russian model Natasha Ruskova on his social network, which, having a resemblance to the former official, caused her indignation, which led her to denounce him.