Fire Department to return to streets if no government move

Officials of the Panama Fire Department, after two months of sitting at a dialogue table with the government,  still have not received answers regarding the payment of retroactive.

Cruz Gómez, general secretary of the union of this entity explained, it has been on behalf of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), which has requested a series of requirements for the retroactive, whose payment commitment was established in April.

He also added that the MEF demanded that the President

Fire Department to return to the streets if no government move to make a decree so that the promotions could be carried out, the president complies with the document, however, after several meetings they decide that the decree must be modified and that They cannot make the retroactive payment because the Law does not allow them.

There are 1.9 million dollars, the money owed to them as a result of the retroactive.

According to Gómez, they will give the remaining two days of this week to receive an answer, otherwise, starting next week they will be on the streets