Martinelli brothers sworn in to “gang of thieves”

After several failed  attempts, the brothers Luis Enrique and Ricardo Martinelli Linares were on Wednesday, August 16 as substitute deputies of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) once denounced by their father, former president Ricardo Martinelli as “a gang of thieves”

  The ceremony was virtual at a meeting held in Nicaragua.

The board of directors of the regional body endorsed the act. A quorum was not required, as occurred at the meeting at the Parlacen sub-headquarters in Panama.

The board is made up of six deputies: Panama has the presidency of Parlacen, which is in charge of PRD member Amado Cerrud, who traveled to Nicaragua Wednesday at noon.

The Cambio Democrático deputy in Parlacen, Carlos Outten, confirmed the swearing-in and explained that three deputies from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), those from the Alianza Party and José Ramos, from the Popular Party were also connected to the meeting.

Luis Enrique and Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares tried twice, in less than a week, to be sworn in as substitute deputies. Both will be prosecuted for alleged money laundering in the cases called Blue Apple and Odebrecht.

The trials were to begin on August 22 and September 27, respectively. Upon taking office, a procedural rupture would take place and their cases will go to the Supreme Court, which is the entity that constitutionally has the power to prosecute the deputies (main and substitutes) of Parlacen and the National Assembly.

They have already been convicted in New York of conspiracy to launder at least $28 million in Odebrecht bribes.