Probe  into San Felipe with 5 times more voters than residents


A complaint to investigate the difference between the number of listed voters and current residents in the town of San Felipe was presented Friday, September 8, to the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office

Members of the Association of Friends and Neighbors of the Old Town (Avaca) expressed that the difference between those who can vote on May 5, 2024, according to the electoral roll, and that of residents registered in the last Population Census and Housing is five times larger.

“This leads us to believe that a large number of people have made false statements regarding their residency declarations,” said Octavio Del Moral, president and legal representative of Avaca.

“It is a common practice, but it is time for the authorities to take action on the matter. “That they enforce the law, in such a way that the vote is effective, that it represents the community that resides in the area and does not obey interests or people who have no connection with San Felipe.” said Del Moral, who added that the ideal is for all 692 voters to vote, as reflected in the National Population Census.

According to the Census, there are only 692 people over 18 years of age qualified to exercise the right to vote. However, the preliminary electoral roll of the township reflects a number of 3,900 people with those same qualifications. In other words, the electoral roll of San Felipe contains five times the real and current number of citizens with the right to vote in the district.

Luis Rodríguez, national coordinator for receiving complaints from the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office, said that there is currently an ex officio investigation following a publication by La Prensa about the difference between the electoral roll and the census in San Felipe.

He added that the Prosecutor’s Office has already carried out several procedures, including a meeting with officials of the Electoral Court. In addition, a note was sent requesting more detailed information from the Comptroller’s Office on the results of the census in this district.