Countrywide protests against mining contract cause huge traffic jams


A new day of protests causing huge traffic jams in some locations took place on the morning of Wednesday, October 18, in rejection of the bill that contains the contract between the State and Minera Panamá.

Workers affiliated with the Single Union of Construction and Similar Workers (Suntracs)  closed the South corridor (Punta Pacifica and Costa del Este), via Ricardo J. Alfaro (at the entrance to the El Bosque residential complex), Capira (Panama West ), Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro, among other points in the country.

There have also been protests along the Inter-American highway (Howard, Arraiján).

The protesters demand a broad, televised debate on the mining issue, as well as a referendum.

“Down with the mining contract,” “Down with the deputies selling the country,” and “Down with the government in power,” are some of the phrases chanted

On Wednesday, at 11:00 a.m., the  Commerce Commission of the National Assembly will resume the debate.

Deputy Roberto Ábrego, president of the commission, explained that each deputy will give their opinion and go directly to the vote.

“The consultation stage has passed, we exhausted all consultations, now comes the first debate. Here we are not doing anything secretly,” Ábrego said.