13,000 jobs next year for English-speaking Panamanians

More than 13,000 jobs will be offered for the year 2023, but people will have to master the English language if they want to be one of the beneficiaries reports TVN.

There are companies requiring workers with an intermediate or advanced level of English, who are capable of holding a conversation in the language.

Solange Cortés, head of recruiting for Alorica Panama, said that many people only have a basic level of English and cannot communicate as fluently as they do in Spanish, which is important for the call center industry. He said that by 2023 they need about 3,000 people.

Alfredo Mitre,  Director of Employment of the Ministry of Labor (Mitradel), said that there are 10,000 vacancies that require English proficiency as the main skill, which will be opened during the next year.

Although he stressed that the priority is to generate opportunities for young people, women and adults since they have more difficulties entering the labor market.

Panama is preparing to meet the high demand for bilingual personnel, and Mitradel is presenting an employment accelerator plan that seeks to quickly meet this need for manpower with training in the English language.

In addition, the Ministry of Education has two plans aimed at learning the Anglo-Saxon language: ” Panama After School ” and “Panama Bilingüe “.

The pandemic raised the unemployment rate in the country and authorities are looking for options to boost employment, and generate work for young people who are the most affected, as well as older adults who are unable to enter formal jobs that allow them to have social security.