22 cars valued at $1.7 million seized in drug raids

A total of 22 high-end vehicles, valued at $1.7 million, were seized by the authorities during Operation “Alpes”, out on Wednesday, January 10, in which the arrest of 73 alleged members of a criminal network dedicated to drug trafficking was achieved.

The investigation, carried out by the Sensitive Unit and the Drug Prosecutor’s Office, revealed a network of connections and illegal activities carried out in the provinces of Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, Veraguas, Panama, and Panama Oeste.

In addition, the authorities confiscated $1.9 million and 45 thousand euros from the criminal group, allegedly the product of the sale of narcotics.

During the operation, an official from the National Aeronaval Service (Senan), one from the National Border Service (Senafront), and another from the National Police were detained.