SENAN officer dies  rescuing drowning people


A Naval Air Service (SENAN) senior officer died Sunday while trying to rescue three drowning people.

Commissioner Jorge jumped into the water to save three people who were drowning on the beach of Miguel De La Borda, in Donoso, Colón.

Martínez was working as a shift supervisor was in a car with two colleagues from Senan, when they observed the people who were drowning. Jorge took off his jacket left his gun in the car and jumped into the water with another companion. They managed to save two people and take them to approaching boats.

When Martínez was going for the third person, he succumbed to exhaustion and the strong waves.

Locals with their outboard motors reached the officer but he did not respond to resuscitation and they took him to a health center where he was pronounced dead. 

The Minister of Security, Juan Manuel Pino, regretted what happened and highlighted the high value of Commissioner Martínez, who had been head of the regional naval operations center (Croan) and head of the 4th. Aeronaval Zone.