Punishing lawyers who abuse the system





A conversation with Usma students was the setting for two judges – one from the Supreme Court of Justice of the United States and the other, president of the Judicial Branch of Panama – to explain what the application of the law means to them. The first said that to be a good judge, you require a passion for the law and justice in your heart. “Being a judge is not a job, it is not a job, it is not a career… it is service to a community.” It’s about a commitment to justice, and serving victims. That is what it is about, not like what certain lawyers do who, according to the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, prevent justice from being done by filing legal remedies to delay, delay and promote impunity again and again. They commit ethical violations or prevent justice from being done with their resources because the fines are so ridiculous that they do not deter any lawyer from doing these things. What needs to be done is that anyone who is found to have despicable practices receives what they deserve: never to practice again. Only then will they understand that the practice of law is much more than putting money in their pockets. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 25.