Foreigners Deported from Panama

Photo provided by Panama's Public Security Ministry of Colombian citizens about to board a plane for deportation back to Colombia on May 18, 2023, at the Panama Pacific International Airport in Panama City, Panama.EFE/ Panamanian Public Security Ministry

The National Immigration Service reported on the weekend that a total of 784 people have been deported as part of the Shield Campaign of Operation Chocó #2. Immigration law applied to 152 of these people.  According to Migration, 30 Colombians were deported in this third operation in 2024, all coming from the irregular migratory flow, and who did not meet the immigration profile for their transit.  The transfer of the thirty foreigners took place at the Albrook Airport in the Panamanian capital.  According to statistical figures, within the Shield Campaign, in 2023Immigration Law applied to 632 people, of which 492 people were deported and 140 expelled. 2023 surpassed previous years in terms of deportations, registering more than 750 deportations.  Meanwhile, so far in 2024, there are already 251 situations; 130 people have been deported and 22 expelled, totaling 784 people to whom immigration law applied.  It is worth mentioning that the majority of those expelled were from Colombia, Venezuela, China, Russia, the Dominican Republic, among other nationalities.  In a joint effort, in the Shield Campaign, the National Immigration Service, the National Aeronaval Service (SENAN) and the National Border Service (Senafront), work together as a fundamental axis of national security.  Migration pointed out that due process, human rights and fundamental guarantees of foreigners have been respected for the application of these measures.