José Raúl Mulino Visits Chiriqui with Greetings from Ricardo Martinelli

The presidential candidate for the alliance of the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, José Raúl Mulino, made his second day tour through Chiriquí this Saturday, affirming the proposals that Martinelli-Mulino have for the high-impact sectors of this province, such as agriculture, tourism and economic reactivation. “We will bring more ‘chen chen’ to the pockets of Panamanians,” Mulino said before dozens of supporters, activists and candidates of his party that is favored to win on May 5th in all polls. Mulino’s tour included the communities of Dolega, Concepción in Bugaba and Puerto Armuelles in Barú, where he indicated that he will govern alongside the agricultural sector that will be well represented and cared for, so that the hardships of the last two governments do not happen. 


“Bugaba is a highly agricultural region that produces milk, meat, vegetables, and water but it is having a hard time. There is no reason for rich towns to be struggling and we must help so that poor towns can be rich towns with the efforts of all of us,” said Mulino, promising the Bugabeños that he will finish the construction of their hospital.  He added that this medical center will be a source of pride for medical care, “the era of people’s works being stopped for political revenge is over.  No more political revenge.”  Mulino once again highlighted the proposal for the David-Panama Train. “I have arrived in the land of the train,” said the presidential candidate, pointing out that this project will generate many jobs in its construction phase, as happened with the old railway that linked Bugaba with Puerto Armuelles.  This construction will begin in the province of Chiriquí, all the way to Panama City.  This great train will be our crowning work,” Mulino announced.  He stated that this train will boost national tourism and the movement of commercial cargo, generating progress, employment and ‘buco chen chen’ for all Panamanians.


Mulino highlighted the effort that his government will make to rescue Panama’s tourism, giving full support to the private sector and creating policies that will encourage the arrival of tourists.  “We are going to make Panama’s tourism soaring again.”  Mulino also said that he will appoint a trained person in the Panama Tourism Authority so that, together with the tourism chambers of the entire country, a new tourism offer aimed at the international market can be put together.  In the afternoon Mulino arrived in Puerto Armuelles where he was received by the deputy candidate Osman Gómez of the Alianza party, who arrived accompanied by more than 5 thousand supporters.  There Mulino made a walk from the Malecón to the park where he passed along a message: “Greetings from Ricardo Martinelli; I know what was generated in Puerto Armuelles and I know what has to be done so that they can experience great things again, as they deserve. We need you to do what needs to be done in Puerto Armuelles.”  He also reaffirmed again:  “Chiricano votes Chiricano… Meto.”