Government  moves to protect workers’ rights at closed mine


The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (Mitradel) is moving to protect labor benefits and the rights of the 7,000 workers who work in Minera Panama.

 “The actions that the authorities are already carrying out will prevent external agitators, and spokespersons for the Mining Company, from being able to confuse the workers with unfounded exaggerated versions,” according to reports says La Estrella.

Due to the massive size of the day-to-day operation of the mine, the Government authorities have to act with “great responsibility and tact, so that the entire transition process -which is already underway- is fulfilled without problems. President Cortizo instructed the Minister of Commerce so that through a resolution, Minera Panamá closes commercial operations. In other words, its status will only be maintained.

Protecting assets
Protecting the valuable assets of the mine is another priority at this time. It is necessary to make the changes that are necessary, and that Minera Panama properly executes the “Care and Maintenance” plan for the assets and facilities in general, which is its full responsibility, including maintaining the workforce.

Carrying out all the changes ordered in the Cabinet Resolution is not an easy task. Such a mining complex cannot be “turned off” like someone who presses the button on a television in their living room. This will be positive for everyone, only if an orderly, informed, serious transition is achieved in the coming days, and is supported by all the parties involved.