Thousands of Weapons Used for Crime Destroyed in Panama

During the mandate of President Laurentino Cortizo (2019-2024) the country destroyed 42,276 firearms, 562,959 rounds of ammunition, 6,231 explosive devices and 608 accessories.  Beyond the destruction, the work has been substantive in terms of prevention, rehabilitation and the creation of opportunities that keep young people away from the clutches of organized crime. 


“Each weapon destroyed today not only represents one less object of violence, but a significant step towards peace and security for all and constitutes a sure blow to criminal organizations,” an official remarked.  They also highlighted the inter-institutional agreement signed with the Ministry of Government from 2021 to 2023, which consisted of the voluntary delivery of firearms later exchanged for food vouchers, a project called “Pacifying my Neighborhood, Building the Future”, in which they managed to recover some 1,515 items.  This program was developed in the provinces of Panama, Colón, Veraguas, Chiriquí, Panamá Oeste, Coclé and in the district of Chepo, to promote peaceful coexistence, remove as many weapons as possible from the neighborhoods and streets and mitigate crime rates and violence. 


In the face of organized crime that knows no borders, Panama consolidates cooperation with neighboring countries and international organizations to dismantle criminal networks and stop the flow of illegal weapons.