Cholera alert boosts surveillance in Panama

The cholera alert issued by the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), following the cholera epidemic in Haiti has led to increased medical surveillance in Panama for the two days of patriotic parades, November 3 and 4. 

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) announced Monday 80 health facilities will be open and 68 land ambulances, and 13 water ambulances, will be on standby as well as 1,495 personnel as part of a national response  plan 

Public and municipal cemeteries and parade routes will be fumigated and 234 public health inspectors, will be monitoring sanitation, food protection, water quality, and health promotion.
The program began Nov. 1, and will run until  Nov. 29.
MINSA advises people attending the national independence day parades to wash their hands with soap and water, and to wash fruits and vegetables before consumption while taking  proper precautions before eating food from street vendors.