Second health product recall in one week

Store shelves in Panama will be emptied of another product that could lead to a health risk the second recall in a week.

The previous recall was for  OralB mouthwash produced in Colombia by Procter and Gamble

Now pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, in  Costa Rica, has issued a warning notice  about  Cofalito, topical cream for children.

 The  Ministry of Health, which requires businesses and people in general to refrain from using that product for the commercial lot 1011000308 .

According to the statement, the manufacturer said that irregularities were detected in the container lid that could contaminate the contents. Therefore, health authorities emphasize, you should not use the product.

Director of Pharmacy and Drug Eric Conte, said the company is informing pharmaceutical outlets and  stores across the country,to remove the product from it inventory but there are alreadycontainers in the hands of the population.

Conte asked the public if you have children’s Cofalito, topical cream commercial lot 1011000308, to return it to pharmacies and stores where they obtained it. "This could become a health risk, so it is wise not to use the product”

The MoH has sent inspectors to stores, to corroborate the product has been withdrawn.