Change of drug rules said risk to patients

RELAXATION of rules for interchangeability of 32 drugs as a cost saving measure has raised concerns in a Panama monitoring group.
In Resolution 072 of March 11 this year, published in The Official Gazette, the Ministry of Health (MoH) temporarily exonerated interchangeability requirements of 32 of drugs intermediate and low health risk, to enable the purchase with the same active ingredients at a lower cost.
Among the drugs with relaxed rules is captopril to treat high blood pressure, omeprazole to control gastritis and the antibiotic azithromycin, used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia.
the Movement for Safety, Quality And Efficacy Of Medicines and products for human consumption, says that this may harm the health of patients.
Alexander Pineda, a spokesman for the group, said that with this rule the government seeks to save money by purchasing cheap drugs that may breach quality parameters established by the Drug Law No.1.
The MoH has promised to issue a statement says La Prensa.