Countrywide health alert from MoH

 A COUNTRYWIDE  health alert was issued by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Friday, August 21  following  an outbreak of equine encephalitis with one person dead and eight suspected cases.

At a press conference it was  announced that the dead person was an agent of the State Border Service, reports La Prensa.

Six of the eight cases have occurred in the area of ​​El Real, in Darien said Lourdes Garcia, MoH head of epidemiology and health care operations in that region will be strengthened.
The disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of mosquitoes (Aedes, and Culex Coquillettidia) and attacks the neurological system, causing decreased reflexes, movement of the arms, legs, and disorientation. It mostly affects children and adolescents The Director General of Health, Itza Barahona de Mosca, urged people to remain alert, since the symptoms of equine encephalitis may mimic other diseases such as dengue. 

Therefore, he said, it is important to be alert to any  symptoms such as aching bones and  headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea, contact your nearest health center.