Zika virus spreading, dengue deaths down

THERE ARE 24 confirmed cases of zika virus in Panama, and 60 other cases under investigation.

All of the confirmed cases are in the Guna Yala Comarca. One of the suspected cases is in Chepo. Zika is transmitted by the Aedes_aegypti_mosquito. which also  transmits dengue.
The information was released as part of the Ministry of Health annual report on public health.
The authorities said there is concern about the increase in cases of sexually transmitted diseases that are in Western Panama and Colon.
In Colón, there was an increase in the number of HIV positive pregnant women, from 24 in 2014 to 35 in 2015.
On the other hand, dengue deaths in 2015 were much lower in 2015, dropping to four from nine in 2014 reports La Prensa