Panama has 233 Cases of Dengue so far in 2025

A total of 233 accumulated cases of dengue nationwide were reported this Friday by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), through the Department of Epidemiology, figures that correspond to epidemiological week No. 1, between December 29, 2024 and January 4, 2025.

The entity detailed that of this total, 217 cases of dengue were without warning signs, 14 were with warning signs and two serious cases.

The report detailed that, of that number, the San Miguelito Region heads the list with 64 cases; followed by the Metropolitan Region with 44; North Panama with 32; Los Santos with 20; West Panama with 13; Bocas del Toro with 11; Chiriquí 11; the Colón and Darién Regions with 9 cases each; followed by Veraguas with 8; East Panama with 6; Herrera with 4; Ngäbe-Buglé region with 1 case, Coclé 1 case; Kuna Yala with 0 cases. No cases are reported in foreign people.

The Ministry of Health reiterated its support to the population in eliminating mosquito breeding sites to prevent vector-borne diseases.

Starting in 2025, they have registered 15 patients who have required in-hospital treatment.

The Ministry of Health indicated that there have been no deaths so far in 2025.

The Ministry of Health reported that operations to reduce dengue cases are being intensified in all health regions through vector control teams.

At the same time, the agency reiterates its support to people in raising awareness about the elimination of all mosquito breeding sites around and inside homes, in order to prevent the transmission of dengue, Zika, Chikungunya and any other mosquito-borne disease.

The main symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, general malaise, muscle pain and eye pain.

Dengue is a serious and potentially fatal disease transmitted through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.