Martin Torrijos on Trump’s Statements: ‘The Torrijos-Carter Treaties Marked the End of an Era of Subjugation’

President Jimmy Carter and General Omar Torrijos at the signing of the Torrijos-Carter treaties.

President-elect Donald Trump’s statements about regaining control over the Panama Canal continue to generate negative opinions amongst Panamanians, including former President Martin Torrijos, who spoke out on social media X.  Torrijos, son of General Omar Torrijos pictured above, who in a strategic maneuver recovered the waterway by signing the Torrijos-Carter treaties in 1977 which returned sovereignty to the Panamanians, the canal and put an end to the presence of gringo troops in the national territory, stated:

“All Panamanians are proud that Panama is a sovereign country. It is the fruit of the courageous struggle of different generations who gave their lives to build a country that is the master of its own destiny.”

He stressed that the Torrijos-Carter treaties marked the end of an era of submission and the beginning of a free, independent nation that has demonstrated not only its proven ability to manage the canal efficiently and safely, but was also able to expand it to improve service to world trade and generate increasing benefits for Panamanians. He went on to say that any attempt to roll back this historic achievement not only dishonors our struggle, but is also an affront to the memory of those who made it possible.  “As a Panamanian, I join in the absolute rejection of any attempt to minimize or threaten our sovereignty; in such an event, you will find us united as a nation and with the firmest determination to defend our sovereignty and our Canal,” he said.